大家好,欢迎来到第 6 期决策财经 BlockBeats「NFT 新鲜事」!比特币 NFT 生态一波未平,一波又起?滚石杂志嘲讽 NFT?村上隆和 NFT 说「拜拜」?融资 3300 万美元,Proof of Play 的第一款游戏是什么样的?OpenSea 又出状况,「无上限铸造」导致项目重新发射?读者朋友们,一起来回顾上周 NFT 新鲜事吧!比特币 NF...
Web3 and Coffee? Looking forward to participating in activities like Web3 Coffee.
I think Web3 Coffee is a very good way of communication.
Web3 and Coffee?
Looking forward to participating in activities like Web3 Coffee.
I think Web3 Coffee is a very good way of communication.