导语目前的以太坊铭文本质还是 Ordinals 的新瓶装旧酒,没有真正意义的新范式。ETHS 仍然存在安全风险,虽然它的确比 Rollup 去中心化,但其提款流程还是依赖于第三方公证人/管理者,有被盗风险。显然 ETHS 当下还是以金融炒作居多,而不是说它能带来以太坊 Layer2 带不来的革新。近期 BTC 生态铭文的火热,带动了其他链的开发者搭建类似的系...
Web3 and Coffee? Looking forward to participating in activities like Web3 Coffee.
I think Web3 Coffee is a very good way of communication.
Web3 and Coffee?
Looking forward to participating in activities like Web3 Coffee.
I think Web3 Coffee is a very good way of communication.